How to Write a Hook like A Pro

February 6, 2018

Regardless of the type of writing, you are creating, you need to pay extra care to the hook. The hook is the first sentence and what your readers will read first. It should attract the attention to the rest of the essay. Unless you give your audience a reason to keep on reading, your writing will not be successful.

A hook is a sentence that shows your audience that you understand what their struggle is. By convincing your readers that you understand where they are coming from, you are presenting evidence why reading your essay will add to them.

How to Write a Hook?

Good writing is more than just mere talent. It is a skill that you can learn by practicing and paying attention to details. You might not be a proficient writer nevertheless are required to present a high-quality piece of writing that will attract readers and grant you academic recognition. Want to know what is a good hook for an essay? Keep reading then!

You can check online resources for the most exceptional hooks for your writing. There are also a lot of books at the library that can teach you how to write the most impressive hook that should invite your audience to read further on.

Your hook should also include your thesis statement at the very end. You need to present your main idea or the main theme of the writing for your readers to know what they are going to read about.

The Best Essay Hook Ideas

The idea of writing a catch phrase depends on choosing something that your target audience can relate to. This will automatically make them more engaged in the essay they are about to read.

Quote: Everybody loves to read a quote that a reader has connection with. You can always craft your catchy hooks for essays by starting off with a quote then ending with your thesis statement. This gives your writing more credibility as you can link your essay topic to something that your audience has heard or read before.

In your thesis statement, it is your chance to show that your paper is based on a strong foundation since someone famous might have shared the same idea.

Statistics: Including the name of a reliable institution or entity automatically gives your essay more weight. Figures represent a secure proof that what you are saying makes sense since nobody can argue about numbers. You would still have to include proofs and evidence to support your opinion. But starting with reliable statistics is a great step.

Rhetorical Questions: These questions make your audience wonder. They will be more motivated to read your essay and out if your thesis is correct. You should, however, make certain that you are using the proper question that will ultimately support your point of view.

Anecdotes: Everybody loves some humor. Anecdotes are not like jokes because they do more than just make your audience smile. Using an anecdote is a great strategy to reveal the logic behind your thesis statement. If your hook is based on a true story, your reader will probably be more encouraged to read about what you have to say next.

Generalization: Stating a fact or generalizing is a successful strategy to engage the audience in the topic. Keep in mind that you should choose the fact that almost everybody agrees to. When this is the case, your audience will find your paper more relevant and credible.

How to Choose the Best Hooks for Your Persuasive Essays?

Writing persuasive essay hooks can be tricky. If you are looking for a suitable hook, you might find the task even more challenging.

As a matter of fact, some hooks wouldn’t be the best to include in your persuasive essay. Rhetorical questions and anecdotes might not be the most suitable ones for your opening paragraph. In fact, unless you are very careful about the choice of words, you might destroy the foundation of your essay.

For persuasive essays where you are to present your own point of view, it is best to rely on statistics, number and facts that will leave no room for argument. You should study your target audience and what appeals to it, as this will assist you when picking the hook.

Choosing the Best Gun Control Essay Hook

Gun control is an important issue that most families are concerned about. The debate has been going on for years, but with the recent incidents, people are currently divided between different opinions. Those who are for and those who are against gun control are trying to make a stand. Your essay about gun control might be your chance to say what you feel and think.

Whether you are for or against, you can include useful numbers in your hook to start building your essay. There are about 33 people killed by guns every day in the USA. This information could be your hook if you think that we need laws for gun control. As a matter of fact, people who own their own guns are 43 times more likely to hit a family member or a friend and 5 times – to commit suicide.

If you think that gun control guns are not necessary, you can use some relevant facts and figures to support your ideas. For example, it is important to mention that guns don’t kill people, other people do. Sometimes owning a gun could be the only way to save yourself or others in case of an attack.

Your hook is a very important tool that will, later on, determine the success of your essay. Unless you present something provocative and intriguing, your audience will lack the motive to keep on reading. You can always hire an expert to help you with your hook as this can make your writing a great hit.

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