How to Choose a Topic For a Narrative Essay

April 3, 2017

Education tests of most schools and colleges include a narrative essay task. It is one of the most important and expressive tests, which helps teachers evaluate not only the student’s knowledge but also his creative skills, overall mindset, potential.

At the same time, to write an excellent essay, one needs to have a good vocabulary. Topics for narrative essays are numerous, and the topic choice is a significant part of this assignment.

Start by Choosing the Type of Essay

Telling a story

If you are telling a story, you write about some event or period in your life, experience, successes or failures. Usually, it is a story from a student’s past, which had a big influence on his future, his personality, relations with family and friends, etc.


A descriptive essay is exactly what it is called – a description.

Of a place, an item, a person, experience or emotion in a certain moment, or some situation or act. The description is not only about how things look, but also about how the author feels about them. So, it is a picture and an attitude.


The author takes one statement and presents it to the reader, showing research of evidence, comparison, definitions, and analysis. Investigation essay is usually an answer to a question “What is…?”, “Is it good to…?”, “Why does…?”


This type is similar to the previous one, but it is not about answering a question, but about making a statement and presenting all the necessary information to make the reader accept it.

Usually, type of an essay is stated in the assignment.

Next Move: Finde Good Narrative Essay Topics

Successful choice provides a good final result. You write best about things you know and understand. Picking the main idea of the narration is followed by finding (or creating) a story, which illustrates this idea. Personal narrative essay topics are preferable. When you write about something familiar, you easily show your point; you have your own opinion, which you can express.

Showing your direct attitude and experience reveals your personality.

So, in addition to showing knowledge of the subject, writing, spelling and vocabulary skills, the author displays his character, values, and beliefs, suggesting the reader to evaluate the author as a personality.

How to Choose the Best Narrative Essay Topics for College Students

First of all, think of a topic that fits the assigned type of essay.

A good narrative essay is something that comes right from your inner world. It is not about being right or wrong, not about spelling or vocabulary. It is about creating a text, which touches and involves the reader.

Express your sincere feelings, emotions, and beliefs – that is the most extensive knowledge you learn – writing a narrative essay from CustomWriting.

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