How to Cheat Turnitin – How to Plagiarize Without Getting Caught by Turnitin

September 2, 2022

The questions “How to cheat with Turnitin?” or “How to beat Turnitin?” appear from time to time. These problems bother many students who want to make writing a little bit easier. A team of decided to dot all “I’s” and cross all “t’s” concerning Turnitin troubles. We hope this post will help you with easy writing, along with other blog posts you can find here. For instance, you can find some cool persuasive essay topics or tips on entering universities.

How Does Turnitin Work and What Is It?

The main mistake of Turnitin still exists. Being precise, we cannot name Turnitin, a plagiarism checker. Mostly, it is a program that matches a text of an academic work that a student submits with a giant database of books and other academic papers. It shows only the percent of matches between two texts. It is up to a tutor to decide if the paper was plagiarised or not.

So, how does Turnitin work? How does it check paper for plagiarism? It sends a report where the text with matches in a database is colorized. It also counts the proportion of matches to a whole text and gives away a ratio. In general, the students must know that the final check is subjective. Even with one percent of matches, a tutor can consider a paper to be plagiarised. There is an average acceptable ratio that equals 15%. But it is not a guarantee of success.

Myths About How to Cheat Turnitin

On the Internet, you can find different ways to beat Turnitin. Unfortunately, along with some useful information (like our persuasive essay topics), there is a lot of trash on there. We have gathered some very popular myths around cheating Turnitin. The software has gone through many updates. They have gone old and have been disproved by the Turnitin team itself.

  • The first popular anti-Turnitin myth concerns paraphrasing. The weirdest trick about this method is that it can be hardly named an easier way than writing from scratch. In simple words, you will have to change every word in the essay or academic work into similar, change the phrases and rebuild the sentences.
  • There is a high risk to spoil the initial text and the meaning of academic work. Yes, Turnitin can hardly detect paraphrasing when it is done professionally, but it will irritate an eye of your professor.
  • The second very popular myth concerns PDF files. It implies Turnitin not to be able to distinguish two layers of a PDF file. It appeared that one layer was not readable for the program, and students managed to put plagiarised text there. Unfortunately, after several updates, the software has overcome this problem. Now it scans all layers of an image or a PDF file and can identify the text and match it. And the myth, even if it was truthful before, has lost relevance.
  • For a long time using the same letters from foreign alphabets was an answer to the question of how to cheat Turnitin. Now the software successfully identifies what layouts took part in writing a text. It will simply not accept the text for a review. Better find some interesting information, like persuasive essay topics or pro writing tips.
  • Using synonyms remains the main way of avoiding plagiarism. What’s its sense? You have to substitute the words of the original text with more or less intensive synonyms. It is not absolutely illegal and may even lower the ratio of plagiarism. You have to be a really good writer to keep the original meaning of the text.
  • Take at least two sentences and change the synonyms to test yourself. We bet you will not reach your goal from the first time. In conclusion, this method is a time-loss as well.
  • Somebody can tell you that you can change the word order in each sentence. If it has been a way to bypass Turnitin in the past, now it is nonsense. It has grown smarter. It analyses the content of the sentence. Combining short sentences and separating long ones will not work too.

Never try to steal somebody’s work if you know it was never submitted before. The risk is very high. The software can detect other students work once it is brought to the Internet. As far as you cannot be sure about the guarantees are given, you will be in danger. Do not fail your reputation or education is such a manner.

Devote your time to studying. Today you can find a lot of articles about writing. For instance, find how to write a persuasive essay, create a short plan, pick some interesting persuasive essay topics and write a paper. It will take you less time.

Legal Ways to Trick Turnitin and Avoid Plagiarism

There is no time to fall into despair. If you still need to use somebody’s text or want to decrease plagiarism in your original academic work, there are some ways out. Here are some ideas about how to plagiarize without getting caught by Turnitin:

  1. The most reasonable way is proper citing. If you make a reference for a taken text (even synonymized) at the end of your paper, it cannot be considered plagiarism. Of course, it does not mean you can put the whole papers into quotation marks.
  2. If you need to plagiarise, do not copy more than two words in a row from an original text. Otherwise, Turnitin will mark the word sequence.
  3. You can use paraphrasing software. These applications charge fees and change your text. This way can work, but we cannot say it is safe or reasonable. Everything rests on common sense and readability.
  4. Some experts say that changing active voice into passive in the sentences can work. You can avoid Turnitin plagiarism check, but you will not trick a real person.

Is there any way not to write a paper by yourself and trick Turnitin at the same time? Yes. After picking and comparing all the approaches mentioned above, we can name the easiest way to get papers and save time.

Hire Professionals To Write For You

Indeed, getting an order at our professional custom writing service is the best way to avoid plagiarism and further problems with Turnitin. There are several advantages any other way cannot beat:

Professional writing services use Turnitin as well.

  • They can meet the deadline. You do not have to waste time finding and performing a way of cheating Turnitin.
  • They do not charge much. As a rule, they consider word count or the number of pages.
  • On the professional writing sites, you can find a lot of useful information, like persuasive essay topics, tips, recommendations, templates, and ideas.
  • You can revise your order as long as you need.
  • Your essay or academic paper is written by professionals. They are mistake-free and have a proper citing style.
  • You do not risk your education. A professional custom writing service is always confidential.

These are ways to avoid problems with Turnitin. The software develops from day to day it is difficult to find working tricks, even if they had been working before. With some diligence or courage, you can bypass Turnitin and raise your ratio of an original text. Why don’t you try for instance? Head to our site and find more cool articles, interesting and inspiring persuasive essay topics, and useful information. Make an order now and forget about your academic problems.

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