Choose the Right Example of a Personal Statement

August 15, 2022

So you have graduated from high school and want to go to college, or you have already graduated from college and still want to pursue further education through graduate schools. You will need to compose a personal statement.

Conventionally, there are two types of personal statements; one is the universal personal statement, wherein you will provide a general idea as to who you are, and the second is the precise personal statement wherein you will be given a question to answer, and you should provide a specific reply.

If you are like most people who are stumbling for words or could not easily construct and organize your thoughts as to what you should write, then you will be using search engines to find the right example of a personal statement that you will use as a template.

But then you will realize how many of those sites are out there and can provide many personal statement examples. How will you choose the right one?

Consider answering the following questions first for you to cut down the list:

For those who have just graduated from high school and moving on to college:

  • What field of study do you want to pursue? Remember when you were still young; recall your answer when someone asked you, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Do you still have the same answer or a different one? Take time for personal reflection, try to see yourself in the future, and ask yourself, “Who do I want to be?”
  • Where do you want to study? Narrow down your list of the universities that offer your chosen field of study. Please consider the location, the quality of education, the tuition fee, and extracurricular activities. See their website, read reviews, and do your research.

For those who are looking for graduate schools to accomplish a Ph.D. or an MD –

Which university do you think is the most suitable for you? By now, you should have already established an idea of where to continue your education.

Based on your answers to these questions, you can now find the specific example of a personal statement you have been searching for. But remember, those are just examples. Use them as a template and never do that CTRL+C and CTRL+V.

Make your statements unique. Once the admissions staff recognizes that yours is just a copy-paste essay, you will be automatically rejected.

So take some time to research; picking out a good example of a personal statement is just around the corner in the cyber world. It would help if you first analyze what exactly you are looking for.

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